Your own .WS "WebSite" Domain Name: |
Professionally Designed Web Templates: |

Custom Email Addresses - 10 (ten) Included per Domain: |
Check your email on the web
Forward email to an existing account...
Our WebMail allows you to use your own domain name as your
email address and you can access your email through your account
from any Internet connection in the world!
Instead of using a long and hard to remember email
address like mwalker554878@yahoo.com, you can use
Yourname@YourDomain.ws. For example you could have Sally@Smith.ws
and each person in your family or business can use your domain name
as well such as Bill@Smith.ws etc., up to 10 email
WebMail forwarding allows
you to use your domain name as your email address and
forward all of your emails to an existing account you
already have. This way you can use your easy-to-remember
.WS email account to publicize your business or family site and
still receive all of your emails in your established email
POP/IMAP Access:
Access your email for any domain using your POP or IMAP compatible email program.
Optional Web Services (No extra charge!)
URL forwarding: |
Web Hosting: |
© 2000 - 2025 Global Domains International, Inc.