
Are You Tired of Working Hard to Make Someone Else Rich?

Read about how 1000’s of real people worldwide are building their own “Income for Life”®

The Short Movie that Will Change Your Life

Imagine if there was a production company that could potentially pay you for every time you referred someone to watch their movie.

What if something so simple was able to provide you with a reliable, LIFELONG MONTHLY INCOME and it was backed by a DEBT FREE, INC500 listed corporation?

Every hour of every day, thousands of people worldwide are watching a short 7 minute animated movie online and their lives are changing for the better, forever. All over the globe, people are now receiving hundreds and even THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH MONTH. Now, it’s your turn to join them and begin building your own “Income for Life.”™

Start Making Money Right Now, for FREE:

Just moments from now, without spending any money at all, you will be able to refer people to this movie yourself. You will have a web page identical to this one ( owned by your sponsor, Kiesha Michelle Falchenberg, but yours will be tracked to YOUR ID and you will be able to give it to anyone on the planet.

It’s Totally Automated That Means: No Selling

Simply enter the names and email addresses of people you know into your automated email invitation system and a free ticket to watch the movie will be emailed to them immediately. OR, you can simply give them a URL such as this one ( but coded with YOUR unique tracking ID instead.

You will then see in “real time” WHO has watched the movie and WHEN they watched it, as well as how much money you will be paid!

The Power of Multi-Tier Affiliate Marketing: You will soon be making money not just from the people you refer, but also from all of the people THEY refer and so on, down through five (5) generations of affiliates and customers, with the potential to earn commissions on UNLIMITED LEVELS as a GDI “Master Affiliate!”

Fill out the ticket information below so we can personalize your movie!

The characters will actually say your name, so make sure you TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS. Push the “Let Me In!” button, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life…

* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Confirm Email
Phone # (optional)
* denotes a required field.

Press the green button below and SIGN UP for FREE!

You will soon have everything you need to begin building your Income For Life!™

Customer Testimonials

Thanks for such a great, simple product, GDI!

Lori Petrosino, New Jersey

I’ve been in involved in network marketing for over 10 years and have had minimal success until now. I’ve been with GDI for 22 days and have signed-up more people in that time period than I have in any other program.

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I highly recommend GDI.

Don Da Silva, Florida

I immediately saw the huge potential in GDI, as they provide an excellent pay structure and excellent support for their members. I’ve been in numerous businesses, and GDI is by far the simplest and most cost effective to implement. I highly recommend GDI to anyone looking to start an affordable, yet very profitable online business.

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The product is superb and the opportunity is incredible

Norman Eglon, Ireland

Everyone needs a website and the hosting options are perfect for getting started. The product is superb and the opportunity is incredible, as there will always be a huge demand. It’s also the most cost effective Network Marketing plan available.

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The seven minute movie is the ticket!

Ron Vasquez, California

I was very skeptical… but after reviewing the incredible opportunity that the GDI product offers and the support team, I was very much pleased that this is an amazing way to increase your income or start a new career.

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